Content Posted in 2020
Absolute Freedom of Opinion and Sentiment on All Subjects: John Stuart Mill’s Enduring (and Ever-Growing) Influence on the Supreme Court’s First Amendment Free Speech Jurisprudence, Eric T. Kasper and Troy A. Kozma
Access to Information in the Private Sector: African Inspiration for U.S. FOIA Reform, Richard J. Peltz-Steele
Accountability in the Private Sector: African Ambition for Right to Information in India, Richard J. Peltz-Steele
Agency Imprimatur & Health Reform Preemption, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Anthrogogy: Towards Inclusive Law School Learning, Rebecca C. Flanagan
Better By Design: Implementing Meaningful Change for the Next Generation of Law Students, Rebecca C. Flanagan
Beyond Cannabis: Psychedelic Decriminalization and Social Justice, Dustin Marlan
Big Waiver Under Statutory Sabotage, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Brief for National Association of Scholars as Amici Curiae Supporting Appellants, Sander & First Amendment Coalition v. State Bar of California, 1st Civ. No. A150625 (Cal. Ct. App., filed Jan. 26, 2018)., Richard J. Peltz-Steele, Eugene Volokh, and Robert Steinbuch
Brief of Amicus Curiae Interdisciplinary Research Team On Programmer Creativity In Support Of Respondent, Ralph D. Clifford, Firas Khatib, Trina Kershaw, Kavitha Chandra, and Jay McCarthy
Chapter 10: Torts Through the Looking Glass, Richard J. Peltz-Steele
Comparing Public Concern and Support for Drone Regulation to the Current Legal Framework, Hillary B. Farber, Adam Zwickle, and Joseph A. Hamm
Complicated Lives: A Look Into the Experience of Individuals Living with HIV, Legal Impediments, and Other Social Determinants of Health, Margaret B. Drew, Jason Potter, and Caitlin Stover
Critical Conflicts Between First-Wave and Feminist Critical Approaches to Alternative Dispute Resolution, Danya Reda
Dalliances, Defenses, and Due Process: Prosecuting Sexual Harassment in the Me Too Era, Kenneth Lasson
Dealing with Disappointing Results: Appeals and Other Post-Trial Practice, Margaret B. Drew
Fall 2020 Newsletter: The Docket, Emma M. Wood
Harmful Reporting, Justine A. Dunlap
Meat Wars: The Unsettled Intersection of Federal and State Food Labeling Regulations for Plant-Based Meat Alternatives, Shareefah Taylor
Now I Know My “ACBs”: The Right to Literacy Following an Incremental Path, Gregory J. O'Neill
On Drugs: Presumption, Preemption, and Remedy, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
Predictive Surveillance and the Threat to Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence, Shaun Spencer
Spring 2020 Newsletter: The Docket, Emma M. Wood
Spring 2021 Newsletter: The Docket, Emma Wood
State-Level Ruling Shows U.S. Courts Still Leery of Internet Jurisdiction, Richard J. Peltz-Steele
The Body Politic: Federalism as Feminism in Health Reform, Elizabeth Y. McCuskey
The Cost-and-Delay Narrative in Civil Justice Reform: Its Fallacies and Functions, Danya Reda
The First Sale Doctrine and Foreign Sales: The Economic Implications in the United States Textbook Market, Garry A. Gabison
The Unwritten Rules of Liberal Democracy, Charles W. Collier
Unmasking the Right of Publicity, Dustin Marlan
U.S. Supreme Court Accepts Cell Phone Privacy Case with Transnational Implications, Richard J. Peltz-Steele
Visual Metaphor and Trademark Distinctiveness, Dustin Marlan
What Does It Mean to Say that Procedure is Political?, Danya Reda
Words Count: The Empirical Relationship Between Brief Writing and Summary Judgement Success, Shaun Spencer