Teaching an FOI Seminar
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Freedom of Information, or access to government, is a broad area of law key to journalistic practice, but the area gets little attention relative to the constitutional and tort law meat and potatoes of media law. The administrative law orientation and multi-state range of FOI make it seem arcane. In fact, state and federal FOI laws adhere today to well established policy norms. As such, FOI lends itself well to class study.
Recommended Citation
Richard J. Peltz-Steele, Teaching an FOI Seminar, 36 Media L. Notes 4 (2008), http://aejmc.us/law/wp-content/uploads/sites/18/2013/10/Media-Law-Notes-Spring-20082.pdf [https://perma.cc/T82N-NRVA].
Originally published in the Media Law Notes in 2008.