Display Effectively in the Classroom: Critiquing the Tools

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Spencer E. Clough and Mary G. Persyn attended the 1995 Winter Institute sponsored by the American Association of Law Libraries, “Train for Tomorrow: Teaching Research Skills for the 21st Century.” One of the “prices” they had to pay for getting to spend four mid-February days in San Diego, California, was to prepare a written critique of a training tool that they utilized in their own teaching. As it happened, they both chose to examine tools designed to display information to a group of students in a classroom setting. Not only that, but one was “low-tech,” the other “high-tech.” A perfect match, clearly destined for inclusion in our “How To ...” series. Without further ado, we present “The Chalkboard vs. Willow Laptop TV.”--Frank G. Houdek


Originally published by Perspectives in 1995.

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