Trends and Issues in Constitutional Law
Spreading Democracy Everywhere But Here: The Unlikely Prospect of Foreign National Defendants Asserting Treaty Violations in American Courts After Sanchez-Llamas v. Oregon and Medellin v. Dretke
Miriam F. Miquelon-Weismann
Conscience, Coercion, and the Constitution: Some Thoughts
Dwight G. Duncan
Dual Rationality of Same-Sex Marriage: Creation of New Rights in the Shadow of Incomplete Contract Paradigm
Saby Ghoshray
In Impartiality We Trust: A Commentary on Government Aid and Involvement with Religion
Thomas J. Cleary
A Critique of the Second Circuit’s Analysis in Nicholas v. Goord
John Dorsett Niles
What About the Victims? Domestic Violence, Hearsay, and the Confrontation Clause in the Aftermath of Davis v. Washington
Stacey Gauthier
2007 National Lawyer’s Convention The Federalist Society and its Federalism and Separation of Powers Practice Groups present a panel debate on Federalism: Religion, Early America and the Fourteenth Amendment
John Eastman, Marci Hamilton, and William H. Pryor Jr.